
Safety. Quality. Excellence.

For ishita, Sustainable Development is an integral part of its business culture and it is considered a means for achieving sustainable development and operational success.We are committed to continue investing in modern business practices, setting Sustainable Development as our ultimate goal.For ishita, Sustainable Development equals continuous improvement.

Our successful performance against our sustainable development objectives creates a foundation upon which we aim to intensify our efforts.


Our People

We care Our People & They care our products' Quality.

Our people is one of our core success elements and the foundation for our future growth. Our strategic goals is to attract, develop and to retain skillful staff investing in the professional development and rewarding their performance. ISHITA offers equal career opportunities with contemporary selection, assessment and training systems. We are committed to continue investing in modern business practices, setting Sustainable Development as our ultimate goal. For ishita Sustainable Development equals continuous improvement. Our successful performance against our sustainable development objectives creates a foundation upon which we aim to intensify our efforts.
Key priority of Company is to secure a working environment of fair compensation, respect for human rights, diversity and equal opportunities to all the employees. For this purpose:

  1. We make systematic investments in our people, placing great emphasis on their ongoing training and development.
  2. We provide equal opportunities to all employees, without any discrimination whatsoever.
  3. We have a continuous dialogue and communication with our people regarding all Company-related issues. We implement an open-door policy, according to which Management is always willing to acknowledge and discuss issues concerning our human resources.
Our People

Occupational Health & Safety

Safety, Quality & Quantity. In That Order.

At IsHITA , we believe our team is our biggest asset and to ensure their health and safety, we have a stringent policy. We have developed practices to create a hazard free and accident free working environment. Systems like fume arrestor and ETP plant for zero discharge of water make the processes friendly to the humans.

A top priority for us is the health and safety of our employ yees and associates. Our commitment to this sector is to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, free of risks, injuries, accidents and occupational diseases. The Company achieves continuous improvements in the health and safety sector by effectively implementing the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, investing in projects and programs, and also thanks to the contribution and involvement of all employees who act responsibly in relation to these matters.

Occupational Health & Safety

Environmental Responsibility

Our Responsible Actions towards Enviornmental Protection.

WATER: Generated water is recycled through effluent water treatment plant which helps to use the recycled water again in the manufacturing facility.

ENERGY: We take a lot of effort in seeing that energy is not wasted or unwisely used. We have installed extra capacitors to control the reactive & non-reactive power losses. Also, continuous training is given to production staff towards energy efficiency & savings.

AIR: Exhaust hot gases and zinc oxide are passed through chimneys & collected through bag houses. Zinc oxide is collected in bag house drums and oxide free gases are released, while zinc oxide ash is sold to government authorized processors.

OTHER WASTES: We have introduced and implemented Industrial Waste Management

procedures at our manufacturing facility to minimize waste products in the production process.

Environmental Responsibility
We can help

If you require any product developed exclusively, not found in our selection, or if you want any product to be modified as per your Specifications & Finish, we have a team of work force capable to fulfil your requirement.

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